Friday 25th September 2020
Decarbonising Consumption
in Manchester’s COVID-19 Recovery:
Online Workshops
10am-12 noon:
A morning workshop will bring together academics from across The University of Manchester to establish an evidence base for action on consumption-related emissions in the COVID-19 recovery. The outputs will also feed in to the afternoon session.
Sign up here:
Citizens & Businesses
A late afternoon workshop will bring together businesses and citizens from across the city to capture the opportunities and barriers to decarbonising consumption. It will draw upon the outputs from the morning session.
Sign up here:
About the Project
This project adopts the premise that tackling emissions from consumption, and climate change more generally, should be central to economic recovery from COVID-19 (coronavirus) to also avoid dangerous levels of warming.
Manchester is currently formulating its COVID-19 recovery plans. Drawing upon these workshops, this project seeks to identify specific recommendations for the inclusion of climate change commitments surrounding consumption into these plans. The outputs from this workshop will feed in to a body of evidence submitted to the Manchester Climate Change Agency and Partnership, who are in turn formally supporting Manchester City Council to embed climate change in to the city’s recovery plans.
Alongside this workshop, Dr Jana Wendler will be undertaking a review of Manchester’s recovery policy framework, other city recovery plans and academic literature on the role of consumption in decarbonisation.
The project is funded by the ESRC IAA Covid-19 Rapid Response Fund and additional support and funding has been provided by the Manchester Climate Change Agency.
Dr Joe Blakey is the Principal Investigator.
What Are Consumption-Related Emissions?
Consumption-related emissions (often called consumption-based, indirect or ‘scope 3’ emissions) relate to emissions consequent from the goods and services that cities consume, regardless of where they might be emitted.
In these workshops, we will be working on the already-identified emissions hotspots listed on the right.
- Waste and waste water
- Construction
- Food and drink
- Other manufactured goods
- Use of transport beyond the city
Any Questions?
Please drop me an email on joe.blakey [at]